1)1962年苏联高中毕业生(Soviet high school graduates, Moscow, 1962)

2)1937年苏联新年树的装饰(Soviet New Year"s tree decoration, 1937)

3)1959年斯维尔德洛夫斯克即景(Sverdlovsk. Photo by B. Anthony Stewart, USSR, 1959)

4)1985年吉尔吉斯最高苏维埃选举(Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the Kirghiz SSR, February 24, 1985)

5)苏联计算机工程师Alexey Pajitnov在为苏联科学院工作的同时开发了俄罗斯方块游戏(Alexey Pajitnov, Soviet computer engineer. Developed the game Tetris while working for the Soviet Academy of Sciences)

6)1969年苏联冬泳爱好者在冰上下棋("Morzhi" Soviet winter swimmers playing chess on ice", USSR, 1969)

7)50年代的苏联嘎斯卡车(GAZ 51 Soviet truck, 1950s)

8)1947年莫斯科大剧院("Bolshoi Theatre of the USSR" Photo by Sergey Vasin, Moscow, 1947)

9)1982年“时刻准备着”("Always ready!" Photo by Rustam Mukhametzyanov, Kazan, Tatar ASSR, 1982)

10)1968年莫斯科的儿童在滑冰(Young figure skaters, Moscow, USSR, 1968)

11)1930年乌兹别克第一位伞兵("First Uzbek paratrooper" photo by Georgy Zelma, Tashkent, Uzbek SSR, 1930)

12)1970年莫斯科列宁山地铁站(Lenin Hills metro station in Moscow (1970s))

13)1990年切尔诺贝利核电站30公里禁区外的苏联警察(Soviet policeman at the fence situated within the 30km off-limit radius of Chernobyl. Photo by Igor Kostin, Ukrainian SSR, 1990)

14)1985年苏联EC-1045计算机("Engineers O. Negaeva and V. Eremenko work on new Soviet EC-1045 computer" Magnitogorsk, USSR, 1985)
