ItsRAWW YouDonkey
Well done! This is pretty awesome, and I’m looking forward to seeing more progress in the future.
做得好! 这太棒了,我期待在未来看到更多的进步
Shahid Khan
Hardwork always pays off. Great work China.
努力总是有回报的。 伟大的工作中国
Special Handicapped Unit
other countries already experimented with maglev. there are reasons why they didn"t use maglev
其他国家已经在试验磁悬浮列车。 他们不使用磁悬浮是有原因的
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Mahjong Live Streaming
Western world would say they would never buy China made trains as they would have tracking devices …
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Jarrod Yuki
The maglev in Shanghai is already fast enough I love it……
big draco
boss: are you sure you want this job, its 373 miles away from you.
him: yes absolutely, im just a hour away if i use the train...
老板:你确定要这份工作吗,它离你有 373 英里。 他:是的,当然,如果我坐火车,我只有一个小时的路程……
Dim Sim Bogan
It must be a sad day for China haters. Can you feel their pain
对于仇恨中国的人来说,这一定是悲伤的一天。 你能感受到他们的痛苦
TheFrog Man1808
In all seriousness, i hope they don"t cut corners when developing the safety mechanisms. Bad engineering accidents happens way too often.
说真的,我希望他们在开发安全机制时不要偷工减料。 糟糕的工程事g经常发生。
Often? Please give at least three examples
经常? 请至少举出三个例子
British vlog
Keep it up China, your hard work and intellect worked well.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Niek Nooijens
Dude they just copied the JR central"s SC-maglev.
伙计,他们只是复制了 JR Central 的 SC 磁悬浮列车。
Pratham Kalgutkar
@Niek Nooijens Copying is very common everyone does it, french copied Japan, germans copied french and gremans sold tech to china and This is high temperature stuff which is new technology lol
@Niek Nooijens 抄袭很普遍,每个人都这样做,法国人抄袭日本,德国人抄袭法国人,希腊人向中国出售技术,这是高明的东西,是新技术哈哈
nhon lai
Cool I wish we have that in US.
Mister Positive
The Americans will be jealous and will try to find something negative to say about it.
Americans dont like public transport, thats for poor people
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Tedros Adhanom
Caution: WHO would like to advise those China haters not to watch this video, as it could cause severe chest pains and in some serious cases, even erectile dysfunction. Viewer discretion highly recommended together with parental guidance
注意:世卫组织建议那些仇恨中国的人不要观看该视频,因为它可能会导致严重的胸痛,在某些严重的情况下,甚至会导致勃起功能障碍。 强烈建议在家长指导下由观众自行决定
Michael chuan
Everytime when China announced something, that mean they already succeed.
Humpy Dumpy
Well done china
China is super power in technology.
中国干得好 中国是科技超级大国。