原名:What""s your experience from living with the Chinese people for awhile?
评论1:Chinese people don’t sweat as much as us: They nearly pass out in the hot summers because they sweat less than us and thus can’t regulate their body temperature as well as South Asians who sweat more profusely but can work longer hours in the hot sun outside. To compensate for this genetic deficiency, Chinese people seem to have a much higher metabolism because my Chinese friends eat like crazy and still manage to stay thin whereas I could eat one naan today and gain 2 pounds tomorrow. Also, they manage to smell nicer in summers due to lack of sweat so I guess they could pass out from a heat stroke but smell great doing it.
评论2:Speaking of marriage: Chinese parents REALLY dole out the cash to help their kids get settled. A side benefit of the one child policy I suppose. Or perhaps a necessity bought on by the rising prices in China? But when a couple gets engaged, the parents from both sides really chip in to help the young couple get a house, get set up and all that. These are incredibly large investments so it kinda makes sense how serious and formal and dispassionate point #9 is: Marriage can take up the entire life savings for some Chinese parents. South Asian society is different where our darn siblings split our parent’s resources so we don’t really get as much support as a couple when we get married.
评论3: Northern Chinese are very tough, hardworking, strong and silent types whereas Southern Chinese are a bit snobby, more materialistic and with more expensive tastes.
评论4:There used to be a thing where Shanghai people were pretty snobby and if you were from outside Shanghai and went their to work as a Chinese, if you didn’t speak Shanghainese you were a pariah.
评论5:If you use cash to try to pay in Shanghai, old ladies will laugh at you for being so archaic.The Chinese bubble: It’s what holds back Chinese immigrants more than anything else. Chinese immigrants and young people to Canada often have more disposable income with them than immigrants from South Asia but struggle in school and job hunts because they tend to form Chinese bubbles and stay within their circle of Chinese friends only. Now this isn’t entirely their fault: English isn’t their first language and they didn’t learn it in school. But holy crap, i think this is a huge negative, no two ways about it. When we were about to be sent to China as part of a government delegation, we had to go through certain sensitivity training under a diplomat. Mostly he just taught us boilerplate stuff (Don’t bring up Taiwan, don’t make a mess at the food table just ask for a fork if you cant use chop sticks, Show up at the meetings etc). But the one thing they stressed the most was : Don’t switch to Urdu when in a mixed setting with Chinese people present. It’s incredibly rude to start speaking in a language they can’t understand. So we had an informal thing where whenever a Chinese friend was with us we would switch to English so they could understand what we were saying even when they weren’t a part of the conversation as a sign of politeness. This is something a lot of younger Chinese folk are completely oblivious to and quite a few folk complain that they might be sitting with 2 Chinese friends and the 2 Chinese friends would switch to Mandarin and the friend who didn’t speak Mandarin would be left feeling awkward. I honestly have to give credit where credit is due : Pakistanis are very good at breaking out of their comfort zone and mixing with people from different countries. The Chinese and Indian communities however bubble up a LOT. For the most part, it’s not a problem: Chinese and Indians also help their community members get jobs and so on. But I can honestly say that this bubble mentality will only hold you back in Canada which is a very diverse and multi cultural, multi linguistic nation. So make the effort to mix with people outside your bubble and don’t switch to your native tongue in mixed company: It’s kinda rude.