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264号法案法案的Section 7规定,2023年7月1日之后,任何中国公民(美国公民或绿卡除外)不得购买和过户接受任何佛州房地产。
7/1/2023年以后中国人非法购买佛州房地产的,房产充公州政府后强制变卖。7/1/2023年以后卖房子给非绿卡中国公民的卖家,属于first degree misdemeanor,最高坐牢一年!
Section 1. 287.138 Contracting with entities of foreign countries of concern prohibited.—
Section 2. 288.007 Economic incentives to foreign countries of concern prohibited.—
Section 5. 692.202 Purchase of agricultural land by foreign principals prohibited.—
Section 6. 692.203 Purchase of real property around military installations and critical infrastructure facilities by foreign principals prohibited.—
Section 7. 692.204 Purchase or acquisition of real property by the People’s Republic of China prohibited.—
这其中,跟一般平民可能有关的是section 5,6,7
Section 5: 禁止 foreign principal 买农田 Section 6: 禁止 foreign principal 在军事设施,关键建筑物附近买real property(包括地,房屋等等都禁止)
foreign principal,对于个人而言,如果你不是zf官员,那么对于一般人,是指“Any person who is domiciled in the People’s Republic of China and who is not a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States” Section 7:禁止PRC买任何real property,但是提到了“Any person who is domiciled in the People’s Republic of China and who is not a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States”
所以关键的关键,就是这句话,“Any person who is domiciled in the People’s Republic of China and who is not a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States”。
绿卡和公民显然不受影响。最tricky,也是最关键的是domiciled in PRC还是US。我不是专业的律师,但是chatgpt给出的解释是,it depends,就是你如果没有绿卡,你需要证明:
1.The length and purpose of your stay in the US.2.The nature of your ties to China, such as family, property, or financial connections.3.The nature of your ties to the United States, such as work, social connections, or property ownership.4.Your intention to return to China or make the United States your permanent home.
最后结论: B1/B2,F1,L1,J1,O1会受限制,H-1B如果能证明自己长期定居美国,且有I-140 approval,应该不受限制。