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这几天,美国主流媒体都在引述美国官员反复讲的一句隐喻表达:put a floor under the relationship (between China and US),从中或可窥探美方对此次会晤的“期望值”。 


Biden seeks to build a floor underthe relationship and increase communication ...(彭博新闻社)

But in general, this is aboutputting a floor in the relationship. (NPR)

Both leaders have a crucial opportunity to put a floor beneaththe relationship. (美国《外交》杂志)

Ahead of the talks, American officials repeatedly said their objective was to “build a floor” for ties with Beijing, implying the relationship cannot spiral any further. (CNN)

你看,相比之下,还是CNN比较体贴周到,生怕读者读不懂“build a floor for ties”,特地补了一句:意味着两国关系不能再继续恶化下去了。

“put a floor under (e.g. the price/crash)”在股市语境下常见,把它用在中美关系上还不多见。在股市语境下,给不断下跌的股价下面“put a floor”,喻指“触底”,与“bottom out”一词基本同义。

bottom out:to have reached the lowest point in a continuously changing situation and to be about to improve (《剑桥词典》)

有中文媒体把“put a floor under the relationship”译成了“为两国关系打地基”,估计是理解出现了偏差。

