1)Vintage Apple Ad in the 1970s-80s(80年代苹果电脑广告)

2)Nikola Tesla in his laboratory, 1899.(尼古拉·特斯拉1899年在实验室)

3)TIME Magazine Cover after the Fall of Japan, August 1945.(1945年8月日本投降后时代周刊的封面)

4)The stages of construction of the Eiffel Tower in Paris France(巴黎艾菲尔铁塔的建造过程)

5)The Isolator, a helmet invented in 1925 that encourages focus and concentration(1925年发明的工作学习“集中注意力”面罩)

6)The rarely seen back of the Hoover Dam before it filled with water 1936.(1936年美国胡佛水坝充水之前的照片)

7)The first & last portrait photos of Lincoln as President: May 1860 & Feb 1865.(林肯总统1860年的第一张总统标准照和1865年的最后一张总统标准照)

8)Russian soldiers playing piano in a wrecked living room in Berlin, 1945.(1945年攻入柏林的苏联士兵在一家残破的客厅中演奏钢琴)

9)"Anti-Soviet warrior puts his army on the road for peace". Article from The Independent about Osama Bin Laden. 1993."(1993年英国“独立报”刊登赞美反苏英雄本·拉登的文章)

10)1944 : "Courtesy to Ladies" from Bureau of Naval Personnel Information Bulletin.(1944年美国海军小报宣传尊重女性礼仪)

11)Boy sitting on a sea mine, Kent, England, 1945.(1945年英国肯特一个坐在鱼雷上的男孩)

12)Hair Dryer, 1920s(上个世纪20年代的吹风机)

13)The London underground, c. 1863(1863年的伦敦地铁)

13)French Postcards from 1910 depicting the year 2000(法国1910年的明信片幻想2000年的教室课堂学习:“电脑”输入书籍汲取知识)

14)The work of military nurses at Passchendaele transformed the perception of women’s war service(1917年一战中的比利时帕斯尚尔战役,英德军队激战,英军女护士救死扶伤发挥重要作用)

15)Marie Sk odowska Curie, the world’s most famous female physicist, was born 150 years ago, on 7 November 1867(工作中的居里夫人)
